Rabu, 20 April 2011




Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D ,
Physiology John Hopkins Medical School
Penasehat Kesehatan PBB & WHO

Telah melakukan penelitian selama 9 tahun bersama lebih dari 1300 ahli kesehatan terhadap lebih dari 27.000 orang yang minum TAHITIAN NONI Bioactive Beverages dan hasilnya sungguh mengagumkan dan mempublikasikannya.

"Dari semua hasil riset saya di John Hopskin, saya belum pernah menemukan satupun substansi yang dapat melakukan apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh buah alami ini."

Hasil Uji Klinis "Peminum Tahitian Noni Juice
di lebih 80 Negara".
Kondisi PenyakitTotalTertolong %
Massa Otot
Diabetes Tipe 1&2
Kekebalan Tubuh
Gangguan Jantung
Gangguan Pernapasan
Darah Tinggi
Sakit Ginjal
Lemah Mental
Kulit dan Rambut
Susah Tidur
Rasa Sakit dan Sakit Kepala
83 %
75 %
67 %
64 %
72 %
78 %
79 %
89 %
79 %
86 %
77 %
67 %
85 %
55 %
66 %
48 %
80 %
67 %
73 %
75 %
83 %
71 %
84 %
72 %
51 %
80 %
Sumber: How much, how often, for what, Neil Salamon, MD, PhD, edisi 4 Th 2006

Dalam bukunya “Tahitian noni juice: How Much, How Often, for What” beliau menulis :“Dari semua hasil riset saya di John Hopkins, saya belum pernah menemukan satupun obat yang dapat melakukan apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh buah alami ini”
Laporan hasil penelitian dari DR. Neil Solomon di tahun 2005 terhadap 27.000 responden dibantu oleh 1.500 dokter dan ahli medis tentang Tahitian NONI Juice, bahwa Tahitian NONI Juice terbukti sangat menolong pasien.

Dr. Johannes Westendorf
Dr. Westendorf is a full-time professor in Toxicology and Pharmacology in the Medical School at a Hamburg University. He holds a Ph.D in Chemistry.
Dr. Ralph Heinicke
Dr. Heinicke graduated from Cornell University in 1936 with a special interest in plant physiology. After completing his studies in Electrical engineering at the University of Kentucky. He then went on to receive his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Anne Hirazumi-Kim
Dr. Hirazumi-Kim earned her bachelors degree with high honors in chemistry from the University of Hawaii. She worked with Dr. Furusawa at Leahi Hospital, studying the mechanism by which the noni fruit appeared to be working in animals. She earned a Ph.D. in Pharmacology at the University of Hawaii, 1997.
Dr. Mian-Ying Wang, M.D. & M.S.
Dr. Mian-Ying Wang, M.D. & M.S., is currently at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine at Rockford, Department of Biomedical Sciences.
Dalam 20 tahun penerbitan The Ink 500 TNI merupakan perusahaan pertama di dunia yang tercepat pertumbuhan penjualannya.
The Top 20 fastest Growing Companies. The Griffin Hills Consulting

Klik disini untuk mempelajari hasil penelitian Tahitian Noni lebih detail

Kandungan Nutrisi & Bioaktif
Sari buah murni Morinda Citri-folia, Anggur dan Blueberry, tanpa pengawet dan zat kimia, bebas racun dan residu, diproses dengan teknologi canggih, telah melewati tahapan penelitian sah, didukung oleh lembaga2 independen yang dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan dan membuktikan benefitnya. Merupakan satu-satunya Juice buah murni yang diakui dan terdaftar dalam PDR. Mengandung 230 nutrisi dan bioaktif yang sangat berman-faat bagi kesehatan, 157 yang diketahui adalah super nutrisi (Phyto nutrisi), 11 vitamin, 11 mineral, 17 asam amino essensial.

Standar International Tahitian Noni
Standar yang ketat di UNI EROPA yang dilakukan oleh Scientific Committe menyatakan bahwa TAHITIAN NONI Juice sangat aman dikonsumsi dalam kondisi apapun tanpa efek samping. Mengkonsumsi Juice secara teratur membuat sel tubuh selalu sehat dan umur sel bertambah 70% sehingga selalu segar dan awet muda. Sebagai bukti pengakuan Dunia TNI telah menghasilkan 27 patent.
Berikut daftar hak paten yang telah dikantongi TNI.
  • Morinda Citrifolia dan Methylsulfony Methane. Yang digunakan sebagai formula dan methode dalam perawatan kanker payudara. Telah dipatenkan di Australia pada Mei 2007, no. 2004272108
  • Garcinia Mangostana I. Meningkatkan kualitas makanan hewan. US Patent, Juli 2007, no. 7.244.463
  • Morindan Citrifolia Leaf Extract Compositions and Methods of Obtaining the Same. US Patent, September 2007, No. 7.264.829
  • Fertilizer Containing Yaeyama Aoki Extract. US Patent, Desember 2006, No. 7.144.439
  • Morindan Citrifolia (noni) Enhanced Cosmetic Skin Care Toner. US Patent, October 2006, No. 7.122.211
  • Preventative and Treatment Effects of Morinda Citrifolia as a Colon Cancer Cell Growth Inhibitor. US Patent, July 2006, No. 7.070.813
  • Antifugal Effects of Morinda Citrifolia. US Patent, May 2006, No. 7.048.952
  • Palliative Effects of Morinda Citrifolia Oil and Juice. US Patent, March 2006, No. 7.018.662
  • Method And Formulation for Treating Candidiasis Using Morinda Citrifolia. US Patent, March 2006, No. 7.014.873
  • Preventative and Treatment Effects of Morinda Citrifolia on Osteoarthritis. US Patent, April 2006, No. 7.033.624
  • Preventative and Treatment Effects of Morinda Citrifolia on Diabetes. US Patent, May 2006, No. 7.048.952
  • Freeze Concentration Process for Morinda Citrifolia. US Patent, February 2005, No. 6.855.354
  • Morinda Citrifolia (noni) Enhanced Animal Food Intensive Repair Serum. US Patent, July 2003, No. 6.589.514
  • Morinda Citrifolia Dietary Fiber. US Patent, July 2001 No. 6.254.913 and March 2003 No. 6.528.106
  • Morinda Citrifolia Oil. US Patent, April 2001 No. 6.214.351 and July 2002 No. 6.417.157
Bukti Pengakuan Dunia Terhadap Tahitian NoniTahitian Noni International  received a special United Nation award from theInternational Council on Caring Communities (ICCC)

Corporation with Social Responsibility award for its visionary approach to improving the economichealth,social impact and quality of life in the communities around the world.

Uji Klinis Tahitian Noni International

Tahitian Noni  ™ Bioactive Beverage adalah minuman yang melebihi  dari jus buah biasa . Ada ilmu di balik buah noni, dan semuanya telah  didedikasikan melalui  studi dan penelitian noni dari Tahitian Noni International.
Ringkasan singkat dari 14 studi klinis pada manusia dari Tahitian Noni International. Ini adalah peer-review studi yang telah diterbitkan di jurnal utama makanan medis dan sains. Ada informasi yang sangat kuat  di sini, kami mendorong Anda untuk mempelajari artikel ini dan berbagi dengan orang lain.
1. Safety clinical trial
2. Antioxidant activity in heavy smokers
  • Conducted by: The University of Illinois College of Medicine and TNI R&D
  • Published in: Chemistry Central Journal
  • Description: 285 people, double-blind, placebo-controlled, one month trial
  • Results: As little as 1 serving TNJ per day (30 mL or 1 oz) lowered free radicals significantly (fruit juice placebo had no significant effect)
  • Link:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2765950/?tool=pubmed
3. DNA protection- aromatic DNA adducts in heavy smokers
4. Cholesterol & triglyceride lowering- in heavy smokers
  • Conducted by: The University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Published in: Brief report published in the AHA journal, Circulation
  • Description: 132 people , double-blind, placebo-controlled, one month trial
  • Results: Cholesterol lowered by as much as  22%, triglycerides by as much as  54%, HDL increased by as much as 16%. Placebo had no effect
  • Link: http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/reprint/113/8/e301
5. Joint health of the neck (cervical spondylosis)
  • Conducted by: The University of Lagos College of Medicine
  • Published in: Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
  • Description: 90 people, therapeutic control groups, one month trial
  • Results: 1 serving of TNJ alone improved range of movement & pain; combination of TNJ & standard therapy had further increased benefits
  • Link: http://www.ajol.info/viewarticle.php?id=29710
6. Energy/Endurance
  • Conducted by: The Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Sports Medicine
  • Published in: Journal of Medicinal Plants Research
  • Description: 40 people, placebo-controlled, three week trial
  • Results: TNJ increased endurance by 21% and increased antioxidant activity by 25%. Placebo (blackberry juice) had no effect
  • Link: http://www.academicjournals.org/jmpr/PDF/pdf2008/July/Palu%20et%20al.pdf
7. Immune boosting & antioxidant
  • Conducted by: Tianjin Medical University
  • Published in: The Journal, Chinese Medical Research & Clinical
  • Description: 12 people , two month pilot study
  • Results: TNJ increased adaptive immune system activity by 32% and innate immune system activity by 30%. TNJ decreased oxidative stress in the body by 19%.
  • Link: http://www.cqvip.com/onlineread/onlineread.asp?ID=27818385
8. Drug screen test
9. Hypertension trial
  • Conducted by: Brigham Young University Hawaii
  • Published in: American Chemical Society Symposia Series No. 993, Functional Food and Health
  • Description: 10 people, one month open label trial
  • Results: 4 oz. TNJ per day significantly decreased blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure
  • Link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bk-2008-0993.ch039
10. DNA protection- MDA (oxidative stress related) DNA adducts in heavy smokers
11. Menopause
  • Conducted by: The University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Published in: Journal of Alternative & Complimentary Medicine
  • Description: 8 post-menopausal women , placebo-controlled, three month pilot study
  • Results: TNJ increased improved mood and energy, attenuated hearing loss, and showed evidence of potential anti-osteoporosis effect
  • Link: http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089%2Facm.2004.10.737
12. Cholesterol—non-smoker
  • Conducted by: Brigham Young University Hawaii
  • Published in: Brief report in Proceedings of The 237th American Chemical Society National Meeting; 2009
  • Description: 10 people, one month pilot study
  • Results: Already healthy cholesterol values remained within healthy normal range
  • TNJ has mild cholesterol lowering & HDL raising potential in non-smokers within the high end range of normal. This displays adaptogenic activity.
  • Link: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/237nm/techprogram/P1214611.HTM
13. Osteoarthritis.
  • Conducted by: University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine at Rockford
  • Description: Open label three-month intervention trial with 82 osteoarthritis patients. Dose was 3 oz. of TNJ per day
  • Results: Significant improvements in symptoms, such as pain and mobility, were observed, as well as improvements in quality of life factors.  Clinical laboratory tests revealed a large margin of safety.
  • *Publication of the full paper is in process
14. Noni Leaf Serum  (not Tahitian Noni® Bioactive Beverage™, but still a Tahitian Noni-based product)

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